
In Surf Guides We Trust / 9 Ways That Guides Enhance Any Surf Trip

27 May, 2024 | Lombok, Surfing, travel lifestyle

Imagine for a second that there was a way to find the best surf spots (with the least crowds), plug into the surf scene, and see a new destination through the eyes of a local.

Truth is, surf guides make all of this and more possible.

They might be the best-kept secret in the surfing world. And with more and more people looking to surf epic waves with just a few friends, surf guides are the perfect solution to make that happen.

We love our surf guides here at Xanadu, so we thought it was high time to talk about what they do.

If you want to hit the ground running (or the waves surfing), here’s our case for going with a guide. Below are 9 ways they enhance any surf trip, but especially a Lombok longboard vacation.

1. Surf like a local

Only have a week or two for your surf holiday?

Take it from us, the last thing you want to do is spend an inordinate amounts of time figuring out the different breaks and deciphering how they work on different swells, tides and wind directions.

Don’t get us wrong. Dialing in a new destination is fun and interesting, but for those of you who want to surf epic waves from the get-go, a surf guide is worth their weight in gold.

They know each and every break like the back of their hand and will make sure you’re at the right spot at the right time. 

You’ll essentially be surfing like a local because, well, you’ll be with one.

2. Beat the crowds and find empty waves

If there was ever a reason to side with surf guides, this is it.

Picture yourself jumping off a boat, paddling towards a gently peeling, waist-high wave with the pink sky in the background and not another soul in sight.

As surfers, this is what we live for – finding empty waves to share with just you, your friends and your guide.

We’d call this the dream scenario, but to be honest, it happens so frequently with our guides that it’s more like a normal day out.

Simply brush up on these Lombok longboarding travel tips and look forward to surfing empty waves!

3. Stress less about always trying to be in the right spot at the right time

You can see that the conditions are lining up.The swell, the wind and the tides are all coming together. 

But where should you go? Will it be good? Is there going to be a mass of other surfers at the same spot?

One thing that many people don’t tell you about surf trips is that after all the buildup leading towards one, you can almost be more stressed out trying to get into the right spot at the right time than actually enjoying your trip.

Surf guides totally eliminate this stress. They know exactly when and where to go so you can chill out, relax and let your guide handle it all for you.

4. Improve your surf skills in a safe environment

Not only will you be able to surf better with the help of a guide, but they’ll make sure the conditions are suitable for your level and provide valuable feedback and tips to take your surfing to the next level.

Being able to learn in a safe environment is everything. Surfing is such a dynamic activity, which means it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly what you’re doing wrong or how you can improve.

Having a guide there to assess and provide guidance is crucial for progress – especially if you want to learn as much as possible in a short amount of time.

5. Become more familiar with how different conditions affect the waves

One of the most understated benefits of surf guides is that they not only teach you how to surf better, but they also teach you how to read waves and conditions.

This is invaluable knowledge that can take years to learn on your own.

By spending time with a guide, you’ll quickly become familiar with how different conditions affect certain waves and how to make the most out of each session.

This is knowledge you can take home with you and apply to other surf destinations, too. 

After all, being able to adapt to changing conditions and identify what waves are working on any given day is a skill that every surfer should have.

6. Discover off the beaten path surf spots

There’s a tendency for 95% of surfers to follow the crowd and surf the most popular waves. 

That’s totally okay given that popular waves are popular for a reason.

If you really want to explore and discover hidden gems, however, a surf guide is your ticket. They have their own secret spots that are off-the-beaten-path and often provide the best waves with the least amount of people.

Oftentimes, these are waves you’d never knew existed, which means you’ll have the opportunity to surf unique breaks and see new places that might have otherwise flown under the radar.

7. Learn about the culture and history of the region

Did you know that Lombok is home to some of the most unique and vibrant cultures in Indonesia?

Our surf guides are not only experts on the waves, but also on the local culture and history. They can share stories, traditions and take you to places that will give you a deeper understanding and appreciation for the destination.

Of course, you can glean all this from a guidebook, but nothing beats hearing it firsthand from someone who has grown up in the region. You’ll be learning about Lombok through their eyes and their experiences.

As such, you get to immerse yourself in the local culture and truly connect with the destination.

8. Build confidence in waves that may ordinarily intimidate you

Being fearful of waves, whether you’re a beginner surfer or advanced, is natural.

Our very own host and part-time surf guide, José, talks about this in one of the most candid interviews we’ve ever conducted. The truth is that the ocean can be a daunting and intimidating place, but with the help of a surf guide, you can build confidence in waves that may have previously scared you.

Our guides in particular are incredibly talented at this. It’s like they have a special ability for knowing when to push you outside of your comfort zone and when to hold back.

As a result, you’ll find yourself conquering waves you never thought possible.

9. Enjoy being looked after by awesome humans

Last but not least, surf guides are totally epic humans!

Think about it.

These people dedicate themselves to sharing their love for surfing and their knowledge of the waves with others. They’re passionate, adventurous and just all-around awesome guys and gals to be around, and we can’t wait for you to meet them!

So if you’re thinking about booking a surf trip to Lombok, by all means, weigh up whether you simply want accommodation or you’d prefer a retreat like ours that offers accommodation plus food, yoga AND surf guides.

We’re not going to tell you what’s best for you because each traveler is different, but we do know that our guests absolutely love having the added benefit of surf guides during their stay.

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